17.6 C
sabato, 19 Ottobre, 2024

Orsogna Winery

?? Leggilo in italiano

Orsogna Winery is located in Orsogna, in the province of Chieti and it is a longlife biological and biodynamic reality in Abruzzo region. It is an excellence in Italian wine world for its diligence and passion and moreover for the care towards environment. For many years it has been engaged in managing vineyards taking care of environment because they know that a good wine comes from a good soil.
TDI Certification is the award for a group of farmers who has been pioneer of biological and biodynamic in international framework.
In the vineyard it is very important the respect towards environment, the knowledge of its times and rule in order to make powerful and refined wines, full of sapid strength, with its own features discernible among other wines.
We give a special welcome among our Treasures of Italy 2019 to Orsogna Winery.

Orsogna Winery – 500 members with 1200 hectares of soil – is a cooperative born thanks to the will of some winegrowers who wanted to invest in this land. The wines of Cantina Orsogna, which was awarded as Best Wine Cellar of Italy at Vinitaly 2012, are the clear signature of this territory: some vineyards located on high points not so far from the snow; some men and women with patience and courage who love listening to the wind and the slow rhythm of the Nature.
More than 85% of its vineyards is biological certified and it is one of the best pioneers of biological grapes in Italy. 35% of vineyards has biodynamic grapes and Demeter certification. Last but not least it is a Biodiversity Friend certified company.
Its wine is composed of 30% Montepulciano, and the 70% of Trebbiano d’Abruzzo, Sangiovese, Malvasia, Chardonnay, Moscato plus autochthonous wines as Passerina, Cococciola and Pecorino. It produces about 1.500.000 bottles every year and the 70% of this production is exported to 30 countries in the world as USA, Canada, Europe, Japan and China. The first country for export is Germany followed by USA and Scandinavian peninsula.

Every year the company gives its support to some initiatives as WWF EURO TURTLES and WWF SOS LUPO. More than 75% of bottles are plastic free, to say that they do not use plastic capsules and the Cooperative “Il Sole” deals with the closing of stopper following an ancient tradition of binding by strings.

As true pioneer, in 2013 it was the first winery to produce biodynamic Pinot Grigio with a natural auburn with golden effects colour; in 2015 it was the first winery to produce Primitivo IGP Terre di Chieti in Abruzzo region; it is the first and unique producer of Demeter Spumante sulfites free.
In 2018 it, helped by Mezzopasso Brewery in Biga, produced the first Italian biological craft beer Iga style (Italian Grape Ale).

Translated by Floriana Maci

Cantina Orsogna
Via Ortonese 29, 66036 Orsogna (CH)
Ph: 0862909132
Email: info@orsognacantina.it
Lunaria Bio