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lunedì, 21 Ottobre, 2024
HomeTDI INTERNATIONALLuca Altieri's enhanced gaze

Luca Altieri’s enhanced gaze

There are two types of managers in the world: the first is the one who has no problem positioning the perfect tie line on the white shirt buttons; the second, on the other hand, is the one who has a serious dilemma with the little bump the heart makes on the chest when it allows that little linear fold of tissue to form, especially when it beats harder. Here he is, Luca Altieri, belongs to this second category.

Luca Altieri intervista TDIMarketing Director of IBM Italy, he has traced a path made up of great collaborations and roles of responsibility in the context of new e-Business strategies and online commerce at an international level.

My intention, talking with him, was to discuss new technologies and the setting of a real and innovative awareness within the current market. Luca, on the other hand, talked about poetry, and how important it is to get the right message to others. “The technology of the human being”, that’s what he explained to me, telling me how it is today the only way to make a company work at its best.

I listened to him while, like a torrent in flood, he analyzed almost perfectly all that line that starts from the basis of traditional marketing up to the reason for the global importance of internal training in every self-respecting company.
Creating new figures who can carry forward the dimension of our SMEs towards the future, in particular, generating through training that knowledge capable of sensitizing all the main operators to the interaction with new forms of technology.
Therefore, to ensure that the fundamental figures who will work for future development can be born concretely and in different contexts, through a real synchronicity of targeted interventions and above all based on the “human” power of individuals.

When Luca listens (he is a good listener) to one of the naive questions I previously prepared for him, it happens that he rests his chin on the tip of the knuckle of one hand. Although it is obviously his way of concentrating, especially when one is forced to stand in front of a smartphone or computer screen – never like in recent times – for a long time, he does not know that in reality he is giving me the possibility, for a moment, to understand how much meaning can have, for a figure like his, that thin bracelet of fortune, which with its many colors, recalls the best of summers. Here, crossing the world of structural marketing plans wearing a pair of bracelets like that, says a lot about how much the empathy of this “boy” with great international experience is essential to give that final touch of class to the final product.

“The future arises from the union of several realities – he tells me – and to ensure that our country prepares for a new phase of growth, there is a need for companies to communicate with each other with new technological horizons“.

The IBM reality is based precisely on the continuous search for new ways to create productive interactions that lead to an effective and efficient construction of a dimension that lasts over time and that still remains a reference. This structural objective within the philosophy of this great reality is to be taken as an example, especially for the generations in work and for those to come.
The digitization of the new way of thinking about work is what Luca Altieri defines as the main tool for driving beyond the line.

Following the dynamics of his thinking, while he talks about the profound seriousness of the company he works for, as director of the marketing area, is like reading the leaflet of a remedy, not yet discovered but much needed to finally get better.
Understanding in time that the world of work is changing (for the better) means being able to see with new eyes what will be the experiences that are now only visible in the form of a project.
Thus the paths of opportunities are created, thus the passion that moves men towards the future is regenerated.
Giving everyone the opportunity to deal with what is innovative is equivalent to oxygenating the production of ideas on a global level.
Simplifying very often means looking at the essentials with humility, without losing sight of the best of qualities.
This is the work that IBM does and this is the philosophy of a serious poet of new technologies who knows in depth every beat that a company, built on faithful efficiency, makes shine under the slightly folded tissue of a bright white shirt.

by Fabiana D’Urso
Translated by Céline Alcala